category: Xfce build-depends: cygport dbus-x11 gettext-devel libcrypt-devel libdbus-glib_1-devel libxfce4util-devel perl-ExtUtils-Depends perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig perl-Glib sdesc: "Xfce4 configuration system" ldesc: "Xfconf is the new configuration system for Xfce 4.6. Xfconf is intended to be more general-purpose than its predecessor, and not even require a GUI for management of settings. Some may consider Xfconf's architecture to be similar to that of gconf, and they would not be completely wrong. However, Xfconf is designed to be much simpler and easier to work with, while still being flexible and providing core Xfce applications and 3rd-party applications an easy-to-use configuration system." skip: homepage: license: GPL-2.0-only AND LGPL-2.0-only