category: Libs
requires: cygwin libgcc1 libKF5Config5 libKF5ConfigWidgets5 libKF5CoreAddons5 libKF5DBusAddons5 libKF5I18n5 libKF5IconThemes5 libKF5ItemModels5 libKF5ItemViews5 libKF5WidgetsAddons5 libKF5WindowSystem5 libKF5XmlGui5 libQt5Core5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Sql5 libstdc++6 libxml2 
sdesc: "KDE PIM layer"
ldesc: "Akonadi is a PIM layer, which provides an asynchronous API to
access all kind of PIM data (e.g. mails, contacts, events, todos etc.). It
consists of several processes (generally called the Akonadi server) and a
library (called client library) which encapsulates the communication between
the client and the server."
external-source: akonadi